Friday, January 1, 2010

A little more of the same.

Resolutions... when I think about making them, I feel a sudden wave of practicality wash over me, and I think, "why rack my brains for a few MORE things to beat myself up over not doing?" If there is one thing I'm really good at, it's hammering myself for doing too much of this and not enough of that. So isn't manufacturing impossible expectations of myself that will glare at me for a year (A WHOLE YEAR?!) a little more of the same?

That said, there are three reasons I'm going to do it anyway... time,
time, and time.

1) Life is too short to feel lousy all the time... and I feel bad, physically, all the time

  • My back hurts (so much that it's often painful to roll over in bed)
  • My clothes are too tight (and NO, I'm NOT going to buy bigger clothes thereby giving myself license to be BIGGER)
  • I feel out of breath when I need to run up to the third floor at work (and NO, I'm NOT going to use the elevator)
All three of these bulleted items are linked, and I think I can trace this back to breaking my ankle last year. I was so inactive, I honestly believe I lost strength... core strength (and cardiovascular fitness). So... it's high time I stop shoving ten pounds of shit into a five pound bag and start moving

NOTE: To put my concern about my weight in perspective, I must confess that I walked into a hospital thirteen and a half years ago AT THIS WEIGHT and proceeded to PUSH A FULL-TERM BABY OUT OF MY BODY!! So... while I'm not at the point that I need a crane to remove me from my bed while a TLC channel video production team interviews me, I AM at a point that I should be ready to push a baby out of my body, and yet the last time I checked, I WASN'T PREGNANT!
2) Life is too short to waste it in front of the TV. It's called "boob tube" for a reason, right? I often (nearly every night) spend time, sitting in bed, working on my online classes with the TV on. I know I get less done than I should since my attention is divided, and therefore it eats up my evening. Before I know it, David Letterman is on, and I'm still trying to get things done! What could I be doing rather than watching TV?

  • Efficiently working on my online classes
  • Journaling/Blogging
  • Reading professional publications
  • Sleeping
Bullet #4 is probably the most compelling to this woman who is ALWAYS tired. I could be going to bed earlier (which studies say helps with weight loss - which loops us back to Resolution #1). The other reason I should turn off the TV at night is so that I may turn ON the TV in the morning... I can DVR the shows I really like to watch, and allow myself to watch them while walking on the treadmill (also looping back to Resolution #1).

3) My third resolution has to do with making better use of time (or lack thereof) too...but it's all mine. This one is a secret resolution, posted only to continue to build the air of mystery I have worked so hard to develop (I've heard "mystique" and "intrigue" often come up when people describe me); it would be no fun to reveal EVERYTHING, now would it? 


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