Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bragging rights.

The "cross-town" basketball games were this week. In a small town (by America's standards), but a big city (by Montana's standards!) with only two high schools where the town is divided by a river (how's that for an obvious LINE down the middle!), each time the two high schools play each other, it's battle for a year of bragging rights.
Our whiz-kid is a young man, who signed with Stanford. The house was packed, waiting to watch his show! He is this kid who is a straight A student (taking a full-load of honors/AP classes plus another high-level physics class independent study), a nice, humble kid who is liked by all... this kid deserves the attention he is getting! He bats away shots, dunks the ball, and cleans up most any error made by another player... it's amazing to watch! It will be so fun to see him play for a big school and watch him develop his game even more!

1 comment:

Pat said...

Aren't these kinds of kids great to watch! Even better are the ones who've overcome some pretty tough circumstances - like the young man you've mentioned recently. I can think of a few others.