Saturday, January 23, 2010

As if she knew it were true...

What is it that people enjoy so much about gossip? I can almost understand teenagers gossiping... they are emotionally immature and are still trying to figure out their places in the world. They don't realize the consequences of what they are saying - how their words can leave lasting scars on the victims of their stories.

This week, I heard from a reliable source that a woman I know - a woman I feel like I'm friends with - a mom of teenagers - repeated a gossipy story to other adults (and within earshot of kids - kids who know the subject of the gossip). It was a story that she repeated as if she knew it were true. It was so disappointing and infuriating...and saddening to hear that. It changed the way I think about the woman. The story/gossip revolved around a twelve-year-old girl (the daughter of another friend of mind) and how she is pregnant - and the father could be any one of three boys. She repeated the story as if she knew it were true.

I cannot think of a reason to repeat that story. What if it were true (which I don't think it is)? If it is, what benefit would come from talking about it? What if it is false? It is is false, what harm could come of talking about it? What kind of person would make the decision to repeat that information?

1 comment:

Pat said...

You're right: no one has any business repeating these kinds of stories - simply because it's wrong. I only hope the gossiper is never in the position of having one of her own teenagers talked about. She and they would be so hurt.