Friday, January 22, 2010

Do-in' good!

There is a special needs boy at school named Nick. Nick is hands down THE HAPPIEST kid I have ever met! He makes his own lunch every day (every day it's the same - baloney sandwich, fruit cup, and a juice box). He goes to the cafeteria for A Lunch and scarfs down his meal and then he makes his rounds: He stops by the front desk of the office where I can hear Dawn say, "Hey, Nick, how's it going?" He replies, "Do-in' Good!" He stops in to see the SRO to get a high five from a guy with a gun. "Good to see you Nick! How ya doin'?" "Do-in' Good!" He stops in each AP's office and each counselor's office and then heads back to the cafeteria to hang with his peeps.

I tell the girls, "if you don't feel good, some times you have to fake it to try to trick yourself into feeling okay." I truly think Nick is always "do-in' good," but why don't the rest of us adopt the high-fivin' Nick attitude?

Outside my office, I heard one teacher pass another and the first one said, "How's it going, Mike?" and "Mike" launched into a ten minute tirade about how things were terrible and his back and his hemorrhoids felt awful and how the economy is nowhere near recovering, and so on and so on... I think the other teacher might have been looking for a simple "do-in' good!"

So my advice to myself and anyone else willing to listen today is... dig down for your inner Nick and just answer "do-in' good!" once in a while... I bet it will feel great!


Pat said...

How's it goin', Susan? Really

Jennifer said...

I would bet the response you're about to hear is "do-in good!"

Me. said...

That's EXACTLY what I emailed back to her! You must know me pretty well!