Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Good news!

Good news! James is coming back tomorrow! I'm so glad his placement wasn't long term as many recently have been. I got an email from  his dad today:

Hello again. After one of the most trying weeks in recent memory, I can say James is now back at home after a week stay in treatment. He will be returning to school tomorrow, and he will have unlimited quiet time after school to get caught up on any make up work.

The week has proven successful. I really think we have gained some ground on James, and we have climbed mountains getting him back on the right track. The treatment facility has been outstanding in helping him through what should prove to be the most difficult week of his life. This ordeal was not easy on anyone.

I picked him up yesterday, and saw what I think was my child of “old”. He lit up like a Christmas tree, was respectful, courteous, and seemed to have learned many things.

We also have a prescription that should help level him out as well.

I think we are back on track. We had to tie up some loose ends today, and if it is ok with you, he will be back to school first thing tomorrow.

Thank you so much for your support through this very difficult time. You, and your staff should be commended for the dedication you give to your students. It is noticed, and it is appreciated!



What a relief - I can only imagine what a parent would go through. I was working with a mom just yesterday who was in tears in my office because her daughter was so depressed and so full of anxiety, she told her parents she would rather die. I get choked up even thinking about what these parents must be going through... Like Jeff said "one of the most trying weeks in recent memory." This has got to take years off a parent's life! If nothing else, it would most certainly cause a lot of gray hair!

I'm so fond of James and I hope he can blend back in and feel healthy. He's a really smart kid and so likeable! I'm looking forward to seeing him!


Pat said...

Thanks for the update. Even if the mother isn't the best parent, both she AND the natural father have to have been to hell and back recently. Glad things are looking up. Hope they can stay that way.

Unknown said...

this post is SO encouraging. James is blessed to have you and his dad in his camp. I really hope his re-entry goes well, and that you keep us posted.

Elizabeth said...

James has a little extra positive energy pushing him tomorrow--you've certainly caused your readers here to be pulling for him!