I was sitting at The Peak this morning, waiting for McKenna to finish her Results training session. A gentleman in his 80s, I'd guess, sat down in the lounge area (he's the guy on the left). Soon, another older guy (on the right) joined him and they started visiting. The first guy pulls one of those electronic 20 Questions toys out of his pocket and asks the other guy to "think of an item." He starts asking him each question on the screen, peering into the toy through the sweet spot in his bifocals to read each line. He was tickled to share his wondrous new toy with his friend.
Soon, a third man walked up and started visiting, asking how the holidays were and talking about the health of mutual acquaintances. As this was happening, the first guy was clearly annoyed that the third man was interrupting his game. He tried to explain the game, but for some reason, this adult wasn't that impressed. During the conversation, the device gave them an answer that was correct, and man number one (who was starting to look more childlike by the minute) clasped his hands together and looked so pleased with himself. He immediately looked at the third man and said, "Think of something--go ahead!" The third man said, "No thanks, I'll see you guys later" and walked away.
It was the weirdest exchange. It was like I was watching seven-year-olds sharing their Christmas toys--only the third guy was the mature kid who didn't get "toys" anymore.
After the game lost its appeal to his companion, the first man still held it on his lap, glancing down at it occasionally, as if willing it to draw in his friend for another fascinating game of 20 Questions.
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